Rewind: Modern Backbone Tutorial
In setting up Renovate on my Github account, I got pinged about a bunch of old repos and I'm adding notes about some of them as a walk down memory lane.
As part of my move into software engineering, I was taking courses at Oregon State University as part of a post-baccaulaureate program to move towards getting a formal Computer Science degree. One of those courses was Web Development, which was funny because I was already working as a web developer at the Motley Fool so I had a little bit of a head start. In fact, the Fool was an awesome place and offered tuition reimbursement and that was a big part of how I was affording the extra education (thanks! ❤️). I did learn some useful web fundamentals from that course, but I was also way ahead of my classmates in terms of exposure to web technologies. One of the assignments was to learn about a technology and then make a tutorial about it. I choose Backbone.js and mixed it with ES2015 to put together a spiffy self-creating tutorial. I actually wound up using Backbone at work shortly thereafter, and along the way learned a lot about why people added Marionette into the mix, but working with such a minimal framework taught me a lot that wound up coming in handy as I waded into using more complex solutions like React.
Also at the time, Material Design had just come out and was super hyped, and I was totally into using the Materialize style library in everything. Fun times!
I briefly looked into updating this site to the latest versions of its dependencies, but it turns out I didn't want to go that deep into reminiscing. Check it out at Modern Backbone(😛).